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How to find us at Gorbushka
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How to find us at Gorbushka

In order to find our trade outlet, you need to be in Moscow. Go to Bagrationovskaia metro station. Then, moving along Barklaia street, cross Bagrationovsky passage and come through the only arch into the courtyard of Rubin former factory. In front of you it will be a new building, all the second floor of which is given for what was calling Gorbushka before. Beyond the door there are stairs and escalator. Lift by escalator to the second floor and you are in the hall B. Turn to the right and reach the shop of metal music (trade outlet No 100). Here turn to the left and in about 30 metres to the right you see stairs with 6 or 7 steps, into C hall, and before the stairs, to the right, is our trade outlet. The number is b2-232. Temporarily I hung our old signboard as an orientator. At this signboard the number of the trade outlet is b2-141.
Working routine: 7 days a week, 10:00-21:00. In december we work from 10:00 to 22:00 (31th December we work from 10.00 to 18.00).
Our days off: 1st January, Orthodox Christmas and Easter.
